Notes about Mediumship I - All are Mediums

Notes about Mediumship I - All are Mediums

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Notes about Mediumship I - All are Mediums

Notes about Mediumship I - All are Mediums

Let us better understand who we call mediums. We call a medium the person who has the spiritual sensitivity touched, be it uncontrolled, in improvement, developed or completely under control (rarely, only evolved spirits). This distinction in no way eliminates the sensitivity and spiritual contact that all men, women and children have. Everyone receives beneficial influences or not, whether from good or dark spirits. The main difference between the average person and the medium is that the latter feels spiritual contact more intensely, and can even connect with the spirit so that it communicates (psychophony, also known as incorporation).
If the medium chooses to improve his sensitivity, he will learn to control it, using it for the benefit of others and no longer suffering the normal annoyances that occur in his blossoming. We can compare the medium to the man who has musical sensitivity and decides to study music, with time he develops and improves his faculty, which already existed latent from birth, but which needed improvement and effort to become useful.
In addition to contacting other spirits, we also receive the very vibrations of our higher vehicles, which bring messages, stimuli, thoughts, emotions, intuitions and desires from our "Higher Self", which is also known as "Divine Spark" or "Individuality" . Mediumship is independent of religion and many incarnates do not believe or do not accept it, however, due to their high degree of morality and purity, they attract the company of pure spirits, who inspire and help them through their intuition or mediumship. Everything depends on the task of each one, the spirits can use people with high vibration, who capture their thoughts to help the next, not being this person necessarily a medium of a spiritist house.