Meditation on the work we provide

Meditation on the work we provide

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Meditation on the work we provide

Meditation on the work we provide

Many of us are constantly worried about knowing the future, without remembering that life is an eternal here and now, if we had real needs to know the future, life would have given us eyes for this, but this was not done, because only the The moment is real in our lives and seeing the moment well is essential to make a good present, which in itself already makes a better future.

Life teaches us that for every attitude (action), whether conscious or unconscious, life responds with a consequence (reaction).

Therefore, becoming aware of what kind of attitudes are influencing your life negatively is the first step to change the present and thus guarantee your future.

We all have our tendencies, our natural life choices, but we also have responsibilities to ourselves and to life.

We always have something to learn, to develop, to educate, but most of the time we don't know or we don't pay attention to the teachings that life wants us to learn, and instead of learning to follow our path more freely, we make other choices that end up take us through more difficult paths that can cause more suffering, not that your choice is wrong, you simply chose another way of teaching, which sooner or later will teach you what you didn't want to learn in an easier way.

Aiming to clarify your main learnings, we try to guide you, through consultations and the Shamanic and Spiritual Passes, where we analyze your main characteristics, always looking for your strongest point to start your learning process and then transformation, so that you can situate yourself in life. in a more balanced and consequently happier way.

And as we all always have something to resolve, we will use this time to guide you according to your life lessons, which is the most appropriate attitude for the moment, indicating the way for you to change the present and guarantee your future.

And it is within this perspective that we offer you our spiritual guidance so that you can be better with yourself and with your life.