January 20 – Oxossi's Day (syncretism with São Sebastião)

January 20 – Oxossi's Day (syncretism with São Sebastião)

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January 20 – Oxossi's Day (syncretism with São Sebastião)

January 20 – Oxossi's Day (syncretism with São Sebastião)

Oxossi in Umbanda is considered patron of the caboclos line, acting for the physical and spiritual well-being of human beings.
According to this religion, Oxossi is a representative figure of one of the seven main forces of God: the strength of struggle, work, providence and positive affirmation. Thus, for Umbanda, Oxossi represents one of the seven primordial forces of God, belonging to the positive pole of spiritual energies, expanding, radiating and impelling beings towards the vigorous construction of their destinies, as well as ensuring that the most fragile find firm and indoctrination loving, developing their religious knowledge and their faith.

The figure of Oxóssi originates from African mythology, for which he would be a deified African ancestor, son of Yemanjá, brother of Omulu-Obaluayê and king of the city of Oyó, located in Sudanese Africa - where the Nagô peoples (keto, ijexá) come from and oyó) and mina-jeje. He is also considered the quintessential hunter; the one-arrow archer - always on target.

Pierre Verger, in his book Orixás, says that the Oxossi cult was practically extinct in the Ketu region, in Yorubaland, since most of its priests were enslaved, having been forcibly sent to the New World or killed.
Those who remained in Ketu stopped worshiping him because they no longer remembered how to perform the appropriate rites or because they started to worship other deities.


During the black diaspora, many slaves who worshiped Oxóssi did not survive the rigors of the slave trade and captivity, but even so, the cult was preserved in Brazil and Cuba by surviving priests and Oxóssi became, in Brazil, one of the most important orixás. popular, both in candomblé, where he became the king of the Ketu nation, and in umbanda, where he is patron of the caboclo lineage, one of the most active in the religion.

Its habitat is the forest, being symbolized by the color green in umbanda, and receiving the light blue color in candomblé, but also being able to use the color silver in the latter. Therefore, clothes, guides and beads are usually made in these colors, including, among the guides and beads, in the case of Oxóssi and also his caboclos, elements that recall the forest, such as feathers and seeds.

Their cult instruments are the ofá (bow and arrow), spears, knives, daggers and other hunting objects. He is such a skilled hunter that he is often honored with the epithet "the one-arrow hunter", as he hits his target with the first and only shot with such accuracy. Legend has it that an evil bird threatened the village and Oxossi was a hunter, like others. He only had one arrow to kill the bird and he couldn't miss. All the others had already missed their mark. He didn't miss, and saved the village. Hence the epithet "the one-arrow hunter".



In Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo and other states in the Center-South of Brazil, São Sebastião is considered a syncretism of Oxossi; in Bahia, in some places, the syncretism of Oxossi is with São Jorge.


People considered daughters of Oxossi are cheerful, expansive, prefer to act at night, like hunters. They are talkative, agile and very quick thinking. They know how to fight and achieve what they want, like launching an arrow and hitting the target. They know how to dominate but when angry, they hurt people with words and attitudes, as if an arrow was given. When they love, they are zealous and faithful, they cannot tolerate being deceived. They are very hardworking and honest.

In most Brazilian states Oxossi is syncretized with São Sebastião. As for this syncretism, history informs that Saint Sebastian was born in Milan and was an officer of the praetorian guard in Rome. He was a convinced and active Christian and for this reason he also suffered under the rule of Emperor Diocletian. Denounced as a Christian, Saint Sebastian was taken before the emperor and publicly confessed his faith in Jesus Christ. Accused of treason he was sentenced to death. Tied to a log, he had his body pierced by arrows. The next day they found that he had not died. Taken again before Diocletian, he reaffirmed his faith again, the emperor then had him flogged to death. This fact occurred around the year 284.

In Umbanda, Oxossi is known as the lord of the woods and the vast majority of caboclos. His color is green, representing the forests of which he is the absolute lord. In Candomblé he is known as the “hunter” or the protector of hunters. In Umbanda he is also known as the hunter, but not of animals, but of souls and men, with catechesis being his greatest objective.

In the spiritual aspect, if Ogun is known for his enormous strength, he, however, is very aggressive. Oxossi is already known for combining strength with common sense, these characteristics emanate from Oxossi that manifests itself in the works of Umbanda, mainly in the manifestation of caboclos and their phalanges. From Oxossi emanates the pride that encourages all Umbanda followers, transmitting great security to the followers of our cults.

The forests are for the umbanda practitioner the domains of Oxossi. The vibrating function of the forests is to affirm or give resistance to work or to consolidate work and obligations.

Those sent by Oxossi to our physical plane are normally caboclos, Indians from different nations in our forests and African warriors. These envoys are the great connoisseurs of the great secrets (rarely revealed) that heal, ward off negative influences and protect Umbanda followers.

The caboclo's haughtiness, his authority, seriousness, strength, courage, perseverance, the sense of fighting to win, comes directly from Oxossi, as these are some of his characteristics.

Oxossi, like Ogun, is a great warrior, a great fighter, fearless, courageous and always ready to defend Umbanda's followers or those under his protection.

In works directed solely by caboclos, one can see the strength and pride that Oxossi emanates.

Whoever evokes him and places himself under his protection, never falls, enforcing the umbanda saying:

“Son of Umbanda (correct) does not fall”


In obligations to Oxossi, which must necessarily be carried out in the woods, white flowers, such as carnations and lilies, green or white candles, red wine, pure water and fruits of all kinds can be used, but we repeat: Orixás do not eat and do not drink, but if your heart asks, do it, but don't leave the bottle there, protect nature, if you light candles, protect the place so you don't set fire to the woods.

• Color...................Green
• Domains ..............The forests
• Action .................The doctrine / catechesis
• Salutation ...............Okê arô Oxossi or Oxossi is my father
• Element.................. Earth